all-glass installations
from modern to classicMade entirely of glass…
Indoors and outdoors, produced as a design or functional element, with motifs covering all or part of the surface – all-glass installations offer numerous application possibilities, whether it be in private households as a porch in the entrance area, as a room partition or as wind protection on the terrace or close to the door.
But even in luxury properties, large all-glass installations are ideal for integrating into the interior design, skilfully highlighting the architectural features without having them taking over the space.
They are even making inroads into business premises: Installations made entirely from glass create subtle demarcations in a waiting room or reception area, whilst still retaining the expanse of a larger room. Bright and airy rooms despite the subtle partitioning – they work well both in public institutions and in offices, doctors surgeries or law firms.
All-glass installations from modern to classic… we can advise, plan and assemble your dreams made of glass!

All-glass installation as a waiting area with sandblasting as a privacy screen, glass counter panelling